Political parties and free media are essential for the proper functioning of representative democracies. For some time now, however, these institutions have been subject to major structural change. As part of the series Making Sense of the Digital Society, Jan-Werner Müller discusses what the changes in this critical infrastructure mean for the effective exercise of fundamental rights as well as for the relationship between citizens and the political system. We invite all interested parties to participate in the online event On Wednesday, 9 March, from 7:00-8:30 p.m., via livestream on hiig.de

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Hamburg, 12.06.2019: More than one third of adult Internet users (34%) rely on social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp or YouTube as their source for news. In the group of 18 to 24 year olds, Instagram has taken the lead. However, only ten percent of all Internet users consider social media to be the most important source, and only three percent regard them as the only source. Only 16 percent trust news from social media. These are the findings of the Reuters Institute Digital News Report, for which the Leibniz Institute for Media Research in Hamburg prepared the German part of the study. The 2019 study is based on 75,749 respondents from 38 countries.

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