Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut
Safer Internet Day 2022: Solid Knowledge Base for a Better Internet
Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut
With the CO:RE Knowledge Base platform, the European project network CO:RE - Children Online: Research and Evidence presents a solid knowledge base for the topic of children and the internet for this year's Safer Internet Day. The recently launched beta version was developed together with various stakeholders and offers educational and political decision makers as well as researchers more than 1,800 publications and 1,300 studies. These were collected from over 30 countries and categorised according to research and practice relevance.
With the launch of the CO:RE knowledge platform, we want to contribute to a better internet from a scientific perspective. To do this, we first need an overview of the existing data on the experiences of children and young people in digital communication spaces. Only then can this knowledge form an important basis for decision-making for stakeholder groups,” says Prof. Dr. em. Uwe Hasebrink, coordinator of the project and research fellow at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI).In addition to the evidence base, the platform offers various resources, such as toolkits on theories, methods or ethical issues in children’s media research, as well as blogposts, videos and so much more. In the coming weeks and months, the knowledge platform will be further expanded and additional features and functions will be added.
Promoting Dialogue between Research and Decision-Makers
Safe and self-determined internet use can only be ensured if researchers and relevant decision-makers are in close dialogue. Therefore, the different perspectives of all stakeholders were already included in the preliminary stages in order to develop an offer that takes into account the respective information needs, but also broadens one’s own view for other perspectives on the topic. “It was important for us to include the needs of other stakeholders in the development process as early as possible in order to understand which knowledge bases and information are needed and to consider in what form we need to make them accessible. But it was also important for us to bring the different stakeholder groups into dialogue in order to learn from each other and then pull together on the same rope,” adds Dr Claudia Lampert, Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI) and co-coodinator of the CO:RE project.The knowledge platform core-evidence.eu pursues five goals.
- It aims to bundle research and evidence on children’s and young people’s online experiences and make it accessible in a clear format;
- To make research data from the EUKidsOnline research network accessible and usable for secondary research;
- To develop theoretical, methodological and research-ethical recommendations for contemporary research practice with children and young people and make them usable through application-oriented products;
- To provide a basis for action and recommendations for political decision-makers; and
- To provide resources and a basis for action for stakeholders in the education sector.
Feedback welcome!
Users are invited to explore the CO:RE Knowledge Base and share their impressions with us anytime, not only on the Safer Internet Day itself. This can easily be done by sending an email to info[at]core-evidence.eu or via the profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or ResearchGate.
Information on the CO:RE Project
The development of the knowledge platform core-evidence.eu is funded within the framework of DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-07-2019: “The Impact of Technological Transformations on Children and Youth”. Overall, ten European partners are involved in the network. In addition, scientists from 26 countries are involved in the development of the knowledge platform. The project is coordinated by the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI).
Information on the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)
The Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut researches media change and the associated structural changes in public communication. It combines basic research and research on knowledge transfer from cross-media, interdisciplinary and independent scholarly perspectives. Thus, the institute is a valued provider of problem-specific knowledge for politics, commerce and civil society. In 2019, the institute was admitted to the Leibniz Association. More at https://leibniz-hbi.de.
Christiane Matzen, Tel. 040 45 02 17 41, c.matzen@leibniz-hbi.de
Dr. Claudia Lampert, c.lampert@leibniz-hbi.de